What Are the Best Coffee Beans for Cold Brew?

cold brew coffee made with the best coffee beans

Cold brew coffee has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many coffee enthusiasts and casual drinkers alike enjoying its smooth, less acidic flavor profile. As a specialty coffee supplier, Intercontinental Coffee Trading understands the importance of selecting the right beans for your cold brew. In this article, we’ll explore the best coffee beans for cold brew and provide insights into the cold brew process.

Understanding Cold Brew Coffee

What is Cold Brew Coffee?

Cold brew coffee is a method of brewing that uses cold or room temperature water to extract flavor from coffee grounds over an extended period, typically 12-24 hours. This process results in a concentrate that can be diluted with water or milk and served over ice.

Benefits of Cold Brew Coffee

  • Less acidic than hot brewed coffee
  • Smoother, sweeter flavor profile
  • Longer shelf life when refrigerated
  • Versatile for various drink recipes

Choosing the Best Coffee Beans for Cold Brew

Roast Level

When selecting beans for cold brew coffee, the roast level plays a crucial role in the final flavor profile:

  • Light Roasts: Offer brighter, more nuanced flavors
  • Medium Roasts: Provide a balanced flavor with subtle sweetness
  • Dark Roasts: Deliver bold, chocolatey notes with less acidity

For cold brew, medium to dark roasts are often preferred due to their robust flavors that shine through even when diluted with water or milk.

Origin and Flavor Profiles

Different coffee-growing regions produce beans with unique flavor characteristics:

  • Latin American: Known for chocolate and nut notes
  • African: Often feature fruity and floral flavors
  • Indonesian: Typically have earthy, spicy undertones

For cold brew, beans from Latin America and Indonesia are popular choices due to their bold flavors and low acidity.

Single Origin vs. Blends

Both single-origin coffees and blends can make excellent cold brew:

  • Single Origin: Highlights the unique characteristics of a specific region
  • Blends: Offer a balanced and consistent flavor profile

Top Coffee Bean Recommendations for Cold Brew

  1. Colombian Supremo: Medium roast with chocolate and caramel notes
  2. Brazilian Santos: Dark roast with nutty and cocoa flavors
  3. Sumatra Mandheling: Dark roast with earthy, full-bodied taste
  4. Ethiopian Yirgacheffe: Medium roast with fruity and floral notes
  5. Guatemala Antigua: Medium-dark roast with chocolate and spice undertones

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee

Now that we’ve covered the best coffee beans for cold brew, let’s briefly discuss how to make this refreshing beverage at home.

Cold Brew Recipe


  • 1 cup coarsely ground coffee
  • 4 cups cold or room temperature water


  1. Combine coffee grounds and water in a large jar or container
  2. Stir gently to ensure all grounds are saturated
  3. Cover and refrigerate for 12-24 hours
  4. Strain the concentrate through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth
  5. Dilute with water or milk to taste and serve over ice

Cold Brew Coffee Ratio

The standard cold brew coffee ratio is 1:4 (coffee to water), but you can adjust this based on your preference:

  • Stronger concentrate: 1:3 ratio
  • Milder concentrate: 1:5 ratio

Remember that the resulting concentrate will be diluted before serving, so it’s okay for it to be quite strong.

Perfecting Your Cold Brew Technique

To achieve the best cold brew coffee possible, consider the following tips:

  1. Use coarsely ground coffee beans to prevent over-extraction and bitterness
  2. Experiment with steeping times to find your ideal flavor profile
  3. Store the concentrate in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks
  4. Try different dilution ratios to find your perfect strength
  5. Add flavored syrups, milk alternatives, or spices to create unique cold brew drinks

Final Thoughts on Selecting the Perfect Beans

Choosing the best coffee beans for cold brew is crucial for creating a delicious and refreshing beverage. By considering factors such as roast level, origin, and flavor profiles, you can select beans that will shine in your cold brew coffee. Remember that the beauty of cold brew lies in its versatility, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different beans and brewing methods to find your perfect cup.

At Intercontinental Coffee Trading, we offer a wide selection of high-quality, whole green coffee beans suitable for cold brew and other brewing methods. Whether you’re a café owner or a roaster, our expertly sourced beans will help you create the perfect cold brew experience for your customers or yourself.

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